Welcome back! The subjects covered in this unit was the settling of colonies. Over the period from 1492-1630 we find the colonists settling in the new world. The settlement of these colonies was inspired by many reasons, however, I will be only looking at the one reason that associates with freedom, which was primarily the freedom of religion. Many Europeans traveled to the new world to escape religious oppression from the church of England. One group of people in particular despised the Church of England. The Puritans traveled from England to set up a new and reformed Church. Funny enough, the Puritans were very intolerant of other religions. This led to the banishment of a fellow known as roger Williams, because the Puritans believed he was spreading "dangerous ideas".
This man Roger Williams is the very topic of the article I will analyze. While banished, Williams built land from some native Indians and named it providence. Here, him and a couple of his followers from Massachusetts set up a new government but with a new ideology. That the church and state should be separated, which meant no mandatory service and no one religion to be in charge of providence. This is now on of the first signs of religious freedom in what is soon to be America. Roger Williams was only a 17th century Puritan preacher, but in all, he was on of the most remarkable men of the century shaping ideas into other great men such as John Locke and John Milton and an influencer on the architects of the constitution.